Oh my! It reached 100 degrees today. Makes me want to slow way down and try to stay cool. It's really a good idea to keep some tips in mind when it gets this hot. First of all, give your puppy access to lots of clean, cool water. I prefer my water in a baby pool of course.

It should go without saying, that you need to be especially careful about leaving your puppy in a hot car in the summer. Here's
a study by the Animal Protection Institute that showed just how hot the inside of a car can get even in the shade with the windows cracked. For example, on a 100 degree day like today, the inside car temperature rose to 124 degrees.

Just don't take your puppy with you if you have to leave them in the car, even for a couple of minutes. It's just not safe and it's totally against the law in North Carolina and other states. It is especially dangerous for older dog, small dogs, or dogs that have breathing issues to be locked in a hot car, even for just a few minutes. OK, let's talk a little about feet, cause your puppy's feet can really get burned by hot concrete in the middle of the day.

It's a good idea to walk your puppy either early in the morning or in the evening on really hot days. It will keep their feet from getting burned and it will lessen the chances of heat exhaustion or heatstroke.
The Association of Pet Dog Trainers has a great article on
Dog Safety Tips for Summer. You can learn all about the signs of heatstroke and more. Take special care to keep your puppy safe this summer!