Saturday, September 20, 2008

It's my first birthday!

Today I am one year old! Jenn says that she cannot believe that a whole year ago, this was me...
Here I am with all my brothers and sisters, who I have not seen since I was 10 weeks old. I'm second from the right. I'd like to wish them all a happy birthday too: Happy Birthday to Rockstar, Jazz, Onyx, Topaz, Flash, and Justice!
Jenn says she has something special planned for me next weekend to celebrate my birthday. I can't wait!! I'm sure that I'll get some new toys or maybe we'll take a field trip somewhere exciting.


Niamh said...

Hard to believe that you were once so tiny Royal!
Happy Birthday big guy. It was so good to see you at Drill Team on Monday.

Your friend,

Unknown said...

WOW! I'm so excited! You and I have the same birthday except I'm a year older than you are. I didn't get a party like you did though because I still don't know how to behave well enough for celebrations.

Your Aussie friend,