Jenn left this morning for another TTouch horse workshop in Virginia with Linda Tellington-Jones. Linda is a really wonderful person that I got to meet last year when she came here to do a training. I was just a puppy then, and Linda was so kind to me.

I was nervous and she did touches and strokes that made me release tension through my whole body.

Linda developed the TTouch method, a gentle way of helping animals overcome fears, pains and increase learning potential. She started the work with horses to help them recover from injuries, overcome fears like having to load into a trailer and teach them how to take signals from the rider in the saddle. Jenn is learning from Linda about using TTouch on horses.

Jenn says that there is a lot of force and heavy handed training in working with horses. Lots of people think that you just have to show them who is boss by being physical and punishing them. Using the TTouch Method is a more nurturing way to connect with the horse without force. Here's Linda guiding a horse with her voice, light lead signals, and body movements.

That all seems pretty cool. I'm glad Jenn is learning more and I'm really glad she likes to practice TTouch with me. Jenn is presenting a TTouch workshop called "From Growing Pains to Aches and Pains" at the APS/Paws4Ever on May 20th, 7-9pm. It costs $10 at the door and all proceeds benefit Paws4Ever. You can come and learn about how TTouch can help your puppy live a great life.
Check out more about the Tellington TTouch Method.