It was so nice of her to leave the hat there just for me. Jenn was on her computer upstairs and I guess she thought I was sleeping. Ha! I was very quiet and carried the hat to my favorite spot downstairs next to the air vent. I got to chomp and drool all over the hat and then fall asleep on top of it. What fun!!
Then Jenn found me. Opps! She traded me the hat for a nice treat and then she gave me one of my own toys to chew on. She didn't get upset with me but with herself for not watching me and for not making sure the door to the guest room was closed.
Now she has to buy her sister a new hat and hopes that Kim doesn't find out that I drooled all over her clothes in her suitcase. Geez, that's kind of embarrassing for a dog trainer!
So what's my penchant for putting things in my mouth lately? Jenn says that I'm going through secondary chewing phase. This happens when puppies are in adolescence. We need to chew when we are bored, frustrated, or just whenever the need strikes. It's so important to continue to provide supervision and proper chews.
For more information about chewing phases and how to help your puppy, check out this article on dogstardaily.com.