Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Our afternoon with Dr. R.K. Anderson

Who is Dr. R.K. Anderson? He is one of the inventors of the Gentle Leader headcollar and the Easy Walk harness, both revolutionary training tools used by dog trainers. A veterinarian for over 6 decades, he's partnered with Duffer Schultz, a media/communications specialist to develop a new educational website for dog behavior professionals with downloadable videos on different canine issues/techniques. Dr. Anderson and Duffer came over to our house to film Jenn talking about and demonstrating TTouch, and how she uses it with dogs that have health or behavior issues. Big Sandy was her demo dog (although I think I'm just as photogenic).

It was a real honor for Jenn to spend time with Dr. Anderson. He's done so much for dogs in promoting gentle, humane training and he's a very kind person to boot.

Duffer let me check out the camera, tripod, and stick my entire head in the photo equipment bag too.

You can check out ABRIonline.org
Jenn's video should be up sometime next month.

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