Friday, January 4, 2008

Growing Pains-Why can't I fit in my bed anymore?

It's a problem to no longer fit in your own bed. I can't quite figure out how this has happened. Perhaps the bed has shrunk? Anyway, I'm nearly 30 lbs now, which is a lot more than I think Jenn was expecting. The general rule is that you double a pup's weight at 16 weeks, and that's the minimum they will weigh as an adult. Could I possibly end up over 60 lbs? All I can say is that I love the wonderful, fresh foods that Jenn gives me. She says this type of home prepared diet is very different that how she's been feeding her other companions in the past. If my growth, silky coat, and overall moxie are due in part to what she is feeding me, well I think that she must be doing something right. She read this book by Dr. Richard Pitcairn that got her started on new ways of thinking about canine diets. Check out Jenn's "Nutrition" page at


Crystal Peak Aussies said...

Son don't worry to much about growing to big for your britches. Cousin Aura grew very young and then has stopped. Jake kids mature early. Afraid you will be much bigger than little bitty me though. Love seeing you grow up from afar. Love ya.
Your mom Lacy

Crystal Peak Aussies said...

Son don't worry to much about growing to big for your britches. Cousin Aura grew very young and then has stopped. Jake kids mature early. Afraid you will be much bigger than little bitty me though. Love seeing you grow up from afar. Love ya.
Your mom Lacy