Friday, January 18, 2008

Socializing with Little Ones

Today was so much fun! Jenn's niece and nephew were here all day. They are moving nearby, so I will get to see them more often. I like playing with them and they are always gentle and kind to me.

Jenn keeps saying that it is very important that I enjoy being with children of all ages. Over the past few weeks, she's invited her friends over that have tiny babies and toddlers too. I've said hi to children in strollers and any child I see on our field trips, Jenn encourages me to say hello. I usually get a treat too when I sit and that's always good.

Jenn's mom and dad are here too and they are very nice to me. They have a tiny poodle named Bailey that I remember meeting before. He barks at me when I try to play with him which I don't understand. Jenn said that he's a bit scared of me and I need to learn to give him space when he asks for it. I'm doing a better job of that now and Bailey may begin to like me.

Everyone in Jenn's human family seems to like dogs. Jenn tells me that not everyone is like that. That some people and children are afraid of dogs and that I have to learn to respect that. It's important that I approach people without jumping or overwhelming them. They will like me more if I'm polite and maybe I can get them to think that dogs are OK.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Son,

It sure sounds like you are growing into a fine young man. I hope that you have the chance to meet many people and show them what a wonderful breed we are!

My Mom and Dad are taking me to play agility for the next three weekends. Keep being a good boy!


Your Dad Jake